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3 storey temple, Ramlala on the ground floor… then how will sunlight come?

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Ayodhya: Today Ram Navami is being celebrated with great pomp all over India. But a different scene is being seen in Ayodhya, where the roads and streets are decorated with flowers. The entire Ayodhya city is resonating with the proclamation of Ram’s name.

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Ram Navami is being built for the first time after the construction of Ramlala’s temple after a long wait of 500 years. In such a situation, people’s enthusiasm is visible. But all the people of India are waiting for only one thing, that is Lord Ram’s Surya Tilak. Actually, such a special technique has been prepared that Surya Tilak will be applied on the forehead of Lord Ram, for which everyone is eagerly waiting.

On Wednesday, the day of Ramnavmi, at noon, the sun’s rays will fall on Ramlala’s head and his ‘Surya Tilak’ will be possible through an elaborate system involving mirrors and lenses. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-CBRI Roorkee scientist Dr SK Panigrahi told PTI that ‘the basic objective of the Surya Tilak project is to apply a tilak on the head of the idol of Shri Ram on the day of Ram Navami.

Under the project, sunlight will be brought on the head of Lord Ram at noon on the day of Shri Ram Navami.He told that ‘Under the Surya Tilak Project, every year in the month of Chaitra, Tilak will be done on the forehead of Lord Ram with sunlight from 12 noon on Shri Ram Navami and every year the position of the Sun in the sky changes on this day.’

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