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A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Delhi, 11 people died after being burnt alive.

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi. A horrific fire incident has occurred in a market in Delhi. At least 11 people have died in this. This incident took place at a paint factory in Dayal Market of Alipur area of North Delhi. A massive fire broke out in the market late Thursday evening.

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According to the report, no workers were able to come out of the factory after the fire. In such a situation, it is feared that many other people may also have been killed. The killed workers have not been identified yet.Outer Delhi DCP Ravi Kumar said that the rescue operation continued till late night.

It was a single story building where paint manufacturing was done.According to fire officials, ‘Seven people died in the fire that broke out in Dayal Market, Alipur. Rescue operations are underway at the incident site. Fire officials said that 22 fire tenders were called to control the fire.Officials said that the fire was brought under control by around 9 pm.

After this, relief and rescue work was going on. The injured have been admitted to the nearest hospital. According to the police, there was a fire in the factory before the explosion. The fire service department said that the rescue operation is still going on.

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