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US Capitol riot: Proud Boys’ Henry Tarrio and Joe Biggs may face 33 years in prison

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Washington: The day of January 6, 2021 is remembered as a black day in American history, on this day rioters attacked the Capitol Building to protest the results of the presidential election.

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According to the report of the Washington Post, the US prosecutor has now demanded a 33-year sentence for Henry ‘Enrique’ Tarrio, former president of the ‘Proud Boys’ organization and leader Joe Biggs, related to this matter.

Not only this, it has also demanded imprisonment of two to three decades for other top members of the far-right extremist organization. According to the report, Assistant US Attorneys Jason McCullough and Connor Mulrow wrote, ‘The scope of the conspiracy of the defendants is very large,

The defendants attacked the heart of our democracy and organized and directed an army of approximately 200 men, a crime unmatched in American history.

He said that the ‘Proud Boys’ leaders deliberately put themselves at the forefront of leading this political violence in the country. An example can be set for those.

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