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Anju and Nasrullah’s marriage testimony is being given from police officer to Qazi, Anju is refusing

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi. Indian citizen Anju, who reached Dir in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to meet Pakistani youth Nasrullah after befriending him on Facebook, has denied the news of her marriage.

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Anju told the Pakistani media in an interview that she had just come to meet her friend (Nasrullah) and all the news of engagement or marriage is absolutely wrong. Along with this, she said that she is going back to India in a day or two.

Anju said, ‘The more I got to know (Nasrullah) in all these years, the better I got. There is a very nice atmosphere here. Very nice people. People are creating a lot of issues.

I have come to my friend. Someone is saying that they are getting engaged. Someone is saying that they are getting married. All this is wrong. I have come to meet my friend.

Along with this, he said, ‘I have also come like other people who come to visit. It was great to meet him and meet his family now. All are good people.

In fact, before this, Pakistani media reported that Anju has converted to Islam and changed her name to Fatima and married Nasrullah. Malakand Division’s Deputy Inspector General Nasir Mehmood Satti also confirmed the marriage of Anju and Nasrulla.

Satti also said that Anju had converted to Islam in India and on that basis she had got a visa to visit Pakistan to marry Nasrullah.

Also Read :- "Anju Makes Startling Revelations About Her Pregnancy and Firmly Expresses Desire to Avoid Living in Pakistan!"

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