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Anju Nasrullah: Intelligence agencies started their investigation even on Anju who went to Pakistan

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi. Intelligence agencies have also started their investigation on Anju, an Indian woman who went to Pakistan to marry her Facebook friend. Intelligence and security agencies believe that law has been violated at many levels in Anju’s case.

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The ‘great welcome’ he has received in Pakistan seems to be completely sponsored. The agencies have also expressed apprehension that these ‘welcoming’ characters helped Anju get her visa and enter Pakistan.

According to intelligence security agencies, Anju was being professionally guided in India as to how to apply for Pakistan’s visa and through which route she has to enter Pakistan.

This is the reason why Anju chose the route of entering Pakistan from Attari sector of the India-Pakistan border because often tourists who are from European or American countries and people enter Pakistan from India in connection with business.

On the same lines, Anju was asked to come to Wagah border under tourist visa, so that the security agencies present there would not doubt what her purpose was. Earlier, an Indian woman who had gone missing from India to Pakistan used to go in a group as part of a special religious pilgrimage, but it was not possible for Anju to do so, so she was sent from Wagah border.

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Indian intelligence and security agencies are now deeply probing Anju’s social media account to see who she was in contact with during the last six months.

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