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UP News: Dimple Yadav supported Sanatan Dharma, said- there is no enemy in this religion

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Ayodhya. Dimple Yadav, wife of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and senior Samajwadi Party leader, has given a big statement regarding Sanatan Dharma. They have said that we are Hindus.

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Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma. There is no enemy in Sanatan Dharma. Now the saints of Ayodhya have given their reaction on this statement of Dimple Yadav. Ramlal’s chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das has said that I thank Dimple Yadav for what he has said.

All the religions that exist have emerged from Sanatan Dharma. Other leaders of her party should also consider the words of Dimple Yadav. Satyendra Das Vedanti said that Dimple Yadav came late but came well.

Saint Vedanti said that Dimple Yadav should also tell this to those leaders of her party who point fingers at Ramcharitmanas, Sanatan Dharma, those who attack Hinduism.

Dimple Yadav should explain to such leaders. On the other hand, BJP has said on this statement of Dimple that Dimple was born in Sanatan Dharma. He is a Hindu, Hindutva is his religion.

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Union Minister SP Singh Baghel said that whatever Dimple has said, thanks to him for whatever he has accepted. But, those who are Sanatani, they don’t shoot at kar sevaks.

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