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Ram Mandir: ‘Dhanvarsha’ is happening in Ram Mandir, 14 bank staff are getting tired of counting donations

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: It is raining continuously since the consecration of Ram Lalla’s life in the Ram temple of Ayodhya. Devotees who come to see Ramlala are donating openly. 14 people have been deployed to count the large number of donations that Ram devotees are donating in the donation box.

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Ram devotees are donating not only in the donation box in the Ram temple, but are also donating openly at the computerized counters. It is raining so much money in the Ram temple that donation boxes are emptied several times a day and 11 bank staff and 3 temple employees are involved in counting the donated money.

Actually, Ramlala’s life was consecrated on 22 January in Ayodhya. 12 days have passed since the inauguration of Ram temple. Not only are the devotees coming to the Ram temple, but donations to the temple are also continuing.

According to Ram Mandir Trust, since the consecration of Ram Lalla, more than 25 lakh Ram devotees have visited Ram Lalla. According to Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, from January 22 to February 1, donations of more than Rs 8 crore have come from Ram devotees in the donation boxes present in the Ram temple.

Whereas about Rs 3.50 crore has been received online. According to Prakash Gupta, in-charge of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust office, four big-sized donation boxes have been kept near the Darshan Path in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Ramlala, in which Ram devotees coming to the temple can donate. We do.

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Apart from this, people are also donating at 10 computerized counters. The donation boxes get filled quickly with the donations of Ram devotees, which have to be emptied at least twice a day.

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