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Bhopal News: State Congress President Jitu Patwari made serious allegations against the BJP government

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Bhopal. Congress is a constant attacker on the Mohan Yadav government of Madhya Pradesh. Many leaders including State Congress President Jitu Patwari have surrounded Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. Congress has alleged that the government is preparing to sell or rent the property of the state in other states.

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State Congress President Jitu Patwari has raised some issues on social media. He has written on social media, a shocking information is coming to light. The Madhya Pradesh government, which is in debt of Rs 3 lakh 73 thousand crores, is preparing to sell the properties of different departments of the state present in other states of the country and give them on rent.

State Congress President Jitu Patwar wrote that the Finance Department has written a letter to all the departments asking for information. It is being asked that how much property is there in which state and in what form, what is its value? If any property case is going on in the court or there is any kind of dispute, then this information should also be given.

Media reports are saying that the purpose of this exercise is to collect data of assets of various departments located outside Madhya Pradesh. So that money can be raised by selling it or giving it on rent. Along with giving information about the current nature of the property, information about its current value is also sought.

Patwari also accused CM Mohan Yadav. He wrote on social media, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, finally you too have started following the tradition of the Prime Minister. When loans stopped being received after taking loans, an option was found to sell the state’s assets.

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Don’t understand who your financial advisor is? The BJP, immersed in ego, is forgetting that in history such investments/contracts were made to secure the future economically. Today, when even a child born in Madhya Pradesh has a loan of more than Rs 50 thousand, how can you take such a decision?

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