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Big accident happened in Jaisalmer, 4 people lost their lives while making reels.

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Jaisalmer.Four people, including a mother and sons, died tragically in a massive road accident near Devikot town in Sangad police station area of Jaisalmer. It is being told that the youth in the car were making a reel to upload on social media while dancing to the songs with liquor glasses in their hands.

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During that time this accident happened. In the accident, a mother and son who were buying pomegranates from a pickup parked on the roadside died on the spot after being hit by a car. Later, two other youths in the car also died during treatment. After receiving information about the accident, the Superintendent of Police also reached the spot.

Superintendent of Police Vikas Sangwan said that the accident happened around 8.30 pm on Friday night. There a fast white colored car was going from Akal village of Jaisalmer towards Barmer. When the police got information, he tried to stop the car before Devikot intersection. But the youth in the car did not stop him and broke the blockade and ran away towards Barmer.

The Superintendent of Police said that during this time the speed of the car was around 130 kilometers per hour. On the main road of Devikot town itself, a speeding car hit a pickup parked there and killed a Nepali mother and son who were buying pomegranates from there. After colliding with the pickup vehicle, the car slipped about 20 feet ahead and stopped.

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