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‘CAA law will never be withdrawn’, Amit Shah made it clear, reprimanded the opposition

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: CAA i.e. Citizenship Amendment Act has come into force in the country. Amidst the politics going on regarding this, Union Home Minister Amit Shah made it clear that CAA i.e. Citizenship Amendment Act will never be withdrawn. In an interview, Amit Shah said, ‘CAA law will never be withdrawn.

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It is our sovereign right to ensure Indian citizenship in our country, we will never compromise with it.’ Earlier on Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah had assured that there is no provision in the Citizenship (Amendment) Act to snatch anyone’s citizenship. .

On the opposition’s allegation that ‘BJP is creating a new vote bank through CAA’, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said, ‘The opposition has no other work… Their history is that they do not do what they say. The history of Prime Minister Modi is that whatever BJP has said and whatever Narendra Modi has said is set in stone.

Every guarantee of PM Modi is fulfilled. He even said that there is political benefit in surgical strikes and air strikes, so should we not take action against terrorism? He also said that the removal of Article 370 was also for our political benefit. We have been saying since 1950 that we will remove Article 370.

On West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee’s comment on CAA notification, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said, ‘The day is not far when BJP will come to power there (West Bengal) and stop infiltration. If you do this kind of politics and intrude on such an important national security issue by doing appeasement politics and oppose the granting of citizenship to refugees, then the public will not be with you.

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Mamata Banerjee does not know the difference between a person seeking asylum and an infiltrator…’ At the same time, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s statement that giving citizenship to refugees will increase cases of theft and rape; Responding to this, Amit Shah said, ‘The Chief Minister of Delhi has lost his temper after corruption was exposed.

He does not know that all these people have already come and are living in India. If they are so concerned then why don’t they talk about Bangladeshi infiltrators or oppose the Rohingya? He is doing vote bank politics… He has forgotten the background of partition and should meet the refugee families…’

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