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Center blocks YouTube videos, tweets sharing BBC documentary on PM Modi

By Priyanka 
Updated Date

New Delhi: The central government has ordered the blocking of tweets sharing a BBC documentary critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The tweets through which the YouTube link of the BBC documentary has been shared have also been blocked. According to sources, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has issued instructions for this.

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According to sources, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has ordered that all videos shared on YouTube of the first episode of the BBC documentary be blocked. Twitter has been ordered to block over 50 tweets containing links to YouTube videos of the BBC documentary “India: The Modi Question”.

Sources say that instructions were issued on Friday by the Information and Broadcasting Secretary using the emergency powers under the IT Rules, 2021. Both YouTube and Twitter have complied with these directives.

An official said, The documentary produced by British Broadcasting Corporation, UK’s Public Broadcaster, has been earlier called by MEA as a “propaganda piece” that lacks objectivity and reflects colonial mindset. While it was not made available in India by BBC in India, some YouTube channels appear to have uploaded it to promote an anti-India agenda. It is reported that YouTube has also been instructed to block the video if it is again uploaded on its platform. Twitter has also been directed to identify and block the tweets containing the link to the video on other platforms.”

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