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Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann refused to take Z plus security

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Chandigarh. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has refused to take Z plus security. He has written a letter to the Central Government, in which the CM has refused to take security for Punjab and Delhi, saying that he has special protection from the Punjab Police at both these places.

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About a week ago, the central government had approved Z plus security to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and had asked to provide complete security cover.

The Center had directed the CRPF to provide ‘Z+’ security cover on an all-India basis to Punjab Chief Minister Mann with immediate effect.

Apart from Punjab Police security, Z security cover was sanctioned to keep the Chief Minister’s house and close family members safe.

Such a security cover for Mann was recommended by the central intelligence and security agencies while preparing a report on threat perception to the chief minister in view of Khalistani activities in the border state.

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For this, a team of 55 armed personnel was to be sent to CM Mann’s house by the CRPF. In March, Bhagwant Mann’s daughter allegedly received threatening calls from pro-Khalistan elements.

A Patiala-based lawyer had claimed that Mann’s daughter Seerat Kaur Mann, who lives in the US, was allegedly called by pro-Khalistani elements and abused.

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