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Former PM Manmohan Singh’s letter- This is the last chance to save the country, Modi has lowered the dignity of the post

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: The entire focus of the final phase of the Lok Sabha elections 2024 has shifted to the northern states of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. Voting is on June 1 in all the seats of these two states along with Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha.

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Meanwhile, former Prime Minister and veteran Congress leader Manmohan Singh has written an emotional letter to woo the voters of Punjab. Along with this, he targeted the current PM Narendra Modi and accused him of lowering the dignity of the post as well as public dialogue by giving hateful speeches during the election campaign.

Appealing to the voters of Punjab, Manmohan Singh claimed that only Congress can ensure such a development-oriented progressive future, where democracy and the Constitution will be protected. In a letter to the voters of Punjab, the senior Congress leader also accused the armed forces of imposing the Agniveer scheme and said that the BJP thinks that the value of patriotism, valor and service is only four years.

This shows their fake nationalism.Targeting Modi, Singh said, ‘I am keeping a close eye on the political dialogue during this election campaign. Modi is indulging in hate speeches which are purely divisive in nature. Modiji is the first Prime Minister who has lowered the dignity of public discourse and thus lowered the seriousness of the post of Prime Minister.’

The former Prime Minister said, ‘No Prime Minister in the past has used such hateful, unparliamentary and uncivilized words with the aim of targeting a particular section of the society or the opposition. He has also made some wrong statements for me. I have never in my life separated one community from another. BJP has the sole copyright on this.’

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Modi had accused Singh of saying while being the Prime Minister that Muslims have the first right on the resources of the country. Singh said that the people of India are watching all this. He said, ‘This narrative of dehumanization has now reached its peak. Now it is our duty to save our beloved nation from these divisive forces.’

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