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Farmer Shubhakaran Singh’s family will get compensation of Rs 1 crore, younger sister will get job

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: There was chaos on the Shambhu and Khanauri border between Punjab and Haryana on Wednesday when a young farmer Shubhakaran Singh, who had come in the farmers’ movement, died.Now Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has made a big announcement in this matter.

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Bhagwant Mann government has announced an assistance amount of Rs 1 crore to the family of farmer Shubhakaran who was killed in the farmers’ movement.Along with this, the Punjab government has also announced to give a government job to Shubhakaran’s younger sister. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann also posted about this on X.

Bhagwant Mann wrote in his post, ‘The family of Shubhakaran Singh, who was martyred during the farmers’ protest at Khanauri border, will be given financial assistance of Rs 1 crore by the Punjab government and his younger sister will be given a government job.

Appropriate legal action will be taken against the culprits. Fulfilling my duty.CM Bhagwant Mann further said that ‘Shubhakaran did not come here for campaigning, he had come to demand the right price for his agricultural produce. Punjab government stands with the farmers.

They are trying to threaten us with President’s rule.I am not afraid of these threats, I will not let Shubhakaran die. My post does not matter to me so stop threatening me.

Also Read :- CM Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann will go to Ayodhya tomorrow, will visit Ramlala with parents and wife.

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