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Traffic police shot teenager for not stopping car, death, created ruckus

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Paris. It is the job of the police to follow the traffic rules. But if the police of a country shoot the person who does not follow the traffic rules, it will be a matter of surprise and shocking in itself.

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Actually, one such case has come to the fore in Paris, the capital of France. Where a teenager is shot for violating the traffic rules, due to which he died.

Since this incident, questions have been raised on the action of the police forces and their methods of working. However, the police officers are presenting arguments to defend themselves on this matter.

French police were investigating on the outer traffic of Paris on Tuesday. During this, a 17-year-old teenager, who tried to escape from the investigation, was shot dead by the police for running a vehicle.

It is said that the teenager was driving a rental car in Nanterre, a suburb of western Paris, in the early hours of Tuesday. The police caught him for breaking several road rules.

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But he tried to escape during police checking. The car had moved only a few meters when the police opened fire on it, killing it.

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