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India sent 32 tons of relief material to Palestine

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: India on Sunday sent about six and a half tonnes of medical aid and 32 tonnes of disaster relief material to the people of Palestine. Indian Air Force’s C-17 transport aircraft has left for Egypt’s Al-Arish airport carrying relief material.

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Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on social media platform ‘X’, “India has sent humanitarian aid to the people of Palestine. IAF C-17 carrying about six and a half tonnes of medical aid and 32 tonnes of disaster relief material for the people of Palestine left for Al-Arish airport in Egypt.

“The material includes essential life-saving medicines, surgical items, tents, sleeping bags, tarpaulin, hygiene items, tablets for water purification and other essential items,” he said.

India has sent this aid three days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed condolences over the death of civilians in a hospital in Gaza and reiterated India’s long-standing ‘principled position’ on the Israel-Palestine issue.

The Prime Minister on Thursday told Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that India will continue to send humanitarian aid to the people of Palestine.

Also Read :- Israel-Hamas War Live: 35 Palestinians killed in Israeli missile attack

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