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Rajasthan News: Gang war again in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar area of Jodhpur, history sheeter brutally murdered

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Jodhpur. The news of gang war incident has come from Jodhpur in Rajasthan. In Jodhpur’s Rajiv Gandhi Nagar police station area, a history-sheeter was brutally murdered by being beaten to death with ax, stick and sanitary pipe on the middle of the road in Gangwar. This incident is of late Saturday night.

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The history-sheeter was attacked by about a dozen miscreants. After that they fled from the spot. CCTV footage of the killers running away has come to the fore. The killers beat the history-sheeter to such an extent that his body was mutilated. On information, the police reached the spot and kept the dead body in the mortuary of the local hospital. The police is looking for the accused.

Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Police Station Officer Anil Yadav said that the incident took place on Saturday late night outside the quarters located behind the Chaukha New Mumbai Colony Ministry of Textiles. Some miscreants killed Ramesh alias Mahakal, a history sheeter living here.

About a dozen miscreants ambushed and attacked Ramesh alias Mahakal. The accused attacked Ramesh alias Mahakal with ax, stick and sanitary pipe. Due to this he died on the spot. The miscreants mutilated Ramesh’s body by attacking him with an ax and knife. Due to attack on Ramesh alias Mahakal with an axe, there are deep wounds on his head and face.

As soon as the police came to know about this brutal murder, they immediately got blockades done across the district. Police along with ACP Prem Dhanade, Traffic ACP Anil Kumar, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Police Station Officer Anil Yadav reached Lavajma on the spot. Along with this, FSL team and dog squad were called on the spot.

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Ramesh alias Mahakal, who was the victim of murder, was also accused of murder. Apart from this, about 12 cases were registered against him. As soon as the news of the murder came, the people of Sindhi community started gathering on the spot. The family of the deceased and the people of Sindhi community have refused to take the dead body until the accused are arrested.

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