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Lucknow: 165 positive cases of corona surfaced in 1 day

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Lucknow. There were only 49 corona cases in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, on April 1. But, till April 20, it has increased to 1,064 cases. Apart from this, so far more than two deaths have occurred due to Corona in Lucknow.

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After the wave of Corona in the year 2021, once again the same situation seems to be happening in Lucknow. After almost two years, once again the people of Lucknow are seeing panic regarding Corona.

However, according to Lucknow’s CMO Dr. Manoj Agarwal, positive people are also recovering. There is an alert regarding this in all the hospitals from the health department. People are constantly being appealed to wear masks, avoid going to crowded areas and follow the Covid-19 protocol.

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