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Uproar in Lucknow University, VC handed over a student to police, notice to 5

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Lucknow. Many students created ruckus in Lucknow University on Thursday. Professor Alok Rai, Vice-Chancellor of Lucknow University, took a tough stand against the students who created ruckus in Lucknow University late Thursday evening.

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On behalf of Vice Chancellor Professor Alok and Professor Rakesh Dwivedi, Ahmed Raza Khan, an anarchist element who came from outside in Lucknow University, was handed over to the local police in connection with spreading anarchy, so that the police could take action against him.

Apart from this, a show-cause notice has been issued to the five students who created ruckus and sloganeering in the university, seeking explanation.

According to Durgesh Srivastava, as the Lucknow University is making its place in the country and the world, efforts are being made to malign the university’s image by the chaotic elements in the university.

In view of this, Vice-Chancellor Professor Alok Rai himself interacted with the students roaming in the university campus on Wednesday.

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Wanted to know from them whether anyone is facing any kind of problem in the university, but all the students gave them answers of good facilities like being satisfied with the university.

Despite all this, why such cases are happening continuously in the university and who are the people behind it, it is also being ascertained by the university.

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