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Weather Update: When will there be heavy rain from UP-Bihar to Delhi-NCR

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: Severe heat continues from Delhi-NCR to UP-Bihar. There is light drizzle in between. But this is less of a relief and more of a problem. This is increasing the humidity and stickiness. Light drizzle was seen in some areas of Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad on Monday, but the heat remains the same. Monsoon has entered Bihar.

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But the monsoon rain has not been seen yet, which everyone is waiting for. If we leave aside the light drizzle, then the entire North India including Delhi-NCR to UP-Bihar is waiting for heavy rain. Monsoon is neither agreeing nor listening to the pleas of the people. Overall, the monsoon has not yet come into its full form. However, the Meteorological Department has now given good news.

If the Meteorological Department is to be believed, the blessings of the monsoon can be seen from today i.e. 25 June.According to the Meteorological Department, there may be heavy monsoon rain in Bihar today and tomorrow. On the other hand, light rain can be seen in Uttar Pradesh on 25 and 26 June. Heavy monsoon rain can be seen in Uttar Pradesh on 27 and 28 June. However, light rain occurred in many areas of UP on Monday.

This provided some relief from the heat, but the humidity troubled the people. On the other hand, if we talk about the country’s capital Delhi, the weather of Delhi can remain the same as on Monday. Sometimes clouds and sometimes drizzle. However, the heat will continue in Delhi. Heavy monsoon rain can occur in Delhi on 27 June. Before that, the chances of getting relief from the heat are very less.

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