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Nobel Prize 2023: Catalin Carico and Drew Weissman receive Nobel Prize for Medicine

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi. The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Catalin Carico and Drew Weissman for their discoveries related to nucleoside base modifications.

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He was given this special honor for his contribution towards enabling the development of effective mRNA vaccines against Covid-19. The announcement of the Nobel Prizes for the year 2023 has started from today itself.

In this series, Nobel Prizes in the field of Physics will be announced on Tuesday. These awards will be announced in the field of Chemistry on Wednesday and Literature on Thursday. In the coming days, awards in the field of Nobel Peace Prize and Economics will also be announced.

Nobel Assembly Secretary Thomas Perlman announced the prize in Stockholm on Monday. Kariko is a professor at Segnes University in Hungary. He also teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.

The award committee said, ‘Through their groundbreaking research that has fundamentally changed our understanding of the interaction of mRNA and our immune system, the award winners have identified one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times. Made unprecedented contribution in vaccine development during this period.

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Pearlman said that when he contacted the two scientists shortly before the announcement, they were ecstatic to hear the news of the award. Last year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Swedish scientist Svante Pääbo for discoveries in human evolution that revealed the secrets of Neanderthal DNA.

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