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Message from Muzaffarpur to Muzaffarabad… Modi-Shah’s PoK plan will make Pakistan shudder!

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday indirectly gave a message to Islamabad from Muzaffarpur and said that if Pakistan has not worn bangles then India will make them wear them. This statement of PM Modi is very significant in view of the way the situation is getting worse in PoK and its capital Muzaffarabad in the last few days. Pakistan occupied Kashmir i.e. POK has been boiling for the last few days.

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Pakistan is not able to control PoK and the people there are worried. This is the reason why for the past few days, angry people of PoK have taken to the streets against inflation, rising electricity bills and taxes and are continuously protesting in the capital Muzaffarabad. In such a situation, PM Modi’s statement of making Pakistan wear bangles and Amit Shah-Rajnath Singh’s statements regarding PoK are pointing towards India’s next plan, knowing which Pakistan will also shudder.

In fact, India has been claiming from the beginning that POK is a part of India and will take it back. All the top ministers of the Modi government, be it Amit Shah or Rajnath Singh, are continuously claiming PoK and giving a message to the people of Muzaffarabad through their statements. He claims that there is no need to acquire PoK forcibly, but seeing the way prosperity has returned in Jammu and Kashmir, the people of PoK themselves will start demanding to join India.

However, its signs have also started becoming visible. Voices have started being raised against the government in PoK. There is a continuous demand for POK to join India. In such a situation, the statements of PM Modi, Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh and Jaishankar are very important.Pointing to the recent statement of National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah, PM Modi said in a public meeting in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, ‘What kind of statements are coming from the leaders of ‘India’ alliance. These people are so scared that they see Pakistan’s nuclear bomb even in their dreams at night.

It is said that Pakistan has not worn bangles. Hey brother, we will make you wear it. They also need flour, there is no electricity. Now we did not know that they did not even have bangles. It is important to mention here that former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Abdullah had commented in response to the claim of Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh that the people of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK). Want to be a part of India.

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