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PM Modi to inaugurate Pragati Maidan Convention Center today

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New Delhi: Today PM Modi will inaugurate the new International Exhibition-cum-Convention Center at Pragati Maidan. A lot of arrangements have been made for the security of this program.

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The new International Exhibition-cum-Convention Center at Pragati Maidan will be guarded by over 15,000 police personnel, along with SWAT teams and over 200 police vehicles fitted with hi-tech equipment and weapons.

Senior police officials said that these preparations are being done as a rehearsal for the security arrangements for the G20 summit, as the event will be held at the same venue.

A large number of police personnel from all districts, special units, traffic units and other areas of the capital Delhi will be deployed to provide security to the 120-acre redeveloped Pragati Maidan IECC complex.

Police said the personnel would be on duty for the whole day to test the arrangements for the G20 summit to be held in September. While most of the district police personnel will guard the entire complex, a small section of officers, along with the NSG, will go inside the 13-acre IECC for intensive security of the PM.

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Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic) SS Yadav said that he has been informed about the G20 security arrangements and the traffic department has made adequate provisions.

Police said police deployment has been increased in the Lutyens area and the Pragati Maidan tunnel will remain closed for the day as NSG forces will be in charge of the PM’s security in that area.

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