PM Modi: On Muslim Parsi Community: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is looking confident for the third innings in 2024, has said that today the expectations of the people of India are completely different as compared to 10 years ago. The Prime Minister said, ‘People realize that our The country is ready to take off.
They want this flight to be expedited and they know that the best party to ensure this is the one that has brought them here.The PM was also asked about the future of Muslims in India. Instead of answering this, Modi pointed towards the economic success of the Parsi community. In fact, during the BJP rule, many types of questions are often raised regarding Muslims.
There are talks of anti-Muslim hate speech. Critics of the party say that at present there is no Muslim MP or Muslim senior minister in the BJP. When this was mentioned in the interview also, the PM started discussing the success of Parsis. The Parsi community is counted among the religious micro-minorities living in India because their population is very small.By saying this the PM gave a big message. PM Modi has been accused of taking strict action against political opponents. Congress says that democracy is in danger.
In the interview, when the question of action against opponents was asked, Modi said that there is a complete eco system which uses the freedom present in our country to make these allegations against us every day through editorials, TV channels, social media, videos, tweets etc. Is doing to put. “They have a right to do so, but others have an equal right to respond with facts,” he said.