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Crowd gathered in Jabalpur during PM Modi’s roadshow

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Jabalpur. PM Modi held a road show in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh on Sunday. A flood of zeal, passion and enthusiasm was seen in Jabalpur, the cultural capital of the state. The streets were packed, slogans of Modi-Modi were echoing everywhere.

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In the road show organized in support of BJP candidate Ashish Dubey, Prime Minister Modi greeted the public from Bhagat Singh Chowk to Shankaracharya Chowk and sought blessings for the BJP candidate.During the road show, the roads on both sides of the Yatra route turned saffron to welcome the Prime Minister. The general public welcomed the Prime Minister by showering flowers from their homes and raising deafening slogans of ‘Modi-Modi’.

Citizens of different communities welcomed the Prime Minister by setting up a stage on his yatra route, while Prime Minister Modi greeted the people with a lotus flower in his hand.Prime Minister Modi garlanded the Sardar Bhagat Singh statue located at Bhagat Singh Square and offered floral tributes to the portrait of Rani Durgavati.

The situation in Prime Minister Modi’s road show was such that there was a packed crowd on both sides of the road and people were holding BJP flags and cut outs of Narendra Modi in their hands. Along with this, ‘I love you Modi’ was written on many cutouts.

The Prime Minister accepted the greetings of local citizens and workers while riding in a specially decorated vehicle along with Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, State Government Minister Rakesh Singh and BJP candidate Ashish Dubey. There was a lot of enthusiasm among the citizens during the road show.

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