Burn. The Parliament of Switzerland has approved a new law banning wearing of burqa and covering the face in the country. On Wednesday, the lower house of Switzerland’s parliament voted in favor of banning the burqa.
This bill was brought to ban Muslim women from wearing burqa and covering their faces. 151 votes were cast in favor of this bill, while only 29 votes were cast against the bill. The Senate gave its approval.
Under the new law that the Parliament of Switzerland has approved banning the wearing of burqa, now a provision has been made for a fine of up to 1 thousand Swiss Francs (about 91 thousand rupees) for violation of the new law.
This law was already approved by the Higher Parliament, but now it has been approved federally. It is important to follow this law in public places and private offices.
After this law, except in some places like places of worship, people will not be able to cover their nose, mouth and eyes with burqa even in public places and private buildings.