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Scientist who made Corona vaccine murdered in Russia, strangled with belt

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Moscow. A big news has come out from Russia, the dead body of Andrey Botikov, one of the scientists who helped in making the Russian Kovid-19 vaccine Sputnik V, was recovered from his apartment. Botikov was strangled to death with a belt. Police arrested a suspect in connection with the murder.

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Russian news agency TASS quoted the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation as saying that Mr. Botikov, 47, who worked as a senior researcher at the Gamaleya National Research Center for Ecology and Mathematics, was found dead in his apartment on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin honored the virologist with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland Award in 2021 for his work on the COVID-19 vaccine. According to reports, Botikov was one of the 18 scientists who developed the Sputnik V vaccine in 2020.

On the other hand, while giving the information of the criminal, the police officials said that a 29-year-old youth strangled Botikov with a belt during the argument and fled. Law enforcement agencies said that the murder was a domestic crime and was the result of a personal dispute.

The suspect was arrested soon after Botikov’s body was found. The investigation committee said that the location of the attacker was tracked within a short time. During interrogation, he confessed to the charges. Let us tell you that the accused has a criminal record in the past as he was tried for a serious crime. At present, after arresting him, he will be produced in the court.

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