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West Bengal: Ram Navami rally in Howrah turns violent, many cars burnt

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Kolkata. A big news has come out from Howrah in West Bengal. Violent clashes broke out after the Ram Navami rally in Howrah entered the Shivpur area. Many cars were burnt in this clash.

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It is being said that the rally was not allowed to enter this area. Heavy police force has been deployed in the area since the incident. Police has done a flag march in the area. here,

Regarding this incident, Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee has said that it is an incident like communal riots and it has been done by outsiders.

Mamta Banerjee said that BJP is behind this incident. He has called outsiders and they are disturbing the peace here. He alleged that no one stopped the Ram Navami rally, but no one has the right to take out a rally with swords and bulldozers.

At the same time, BJP co-incharge West Bengal Amit Malviya alleged that Mamta Banerjee is directly responsible for the violence. When she should have looked at police management, she is doing politics.

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