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The charges against Donald Trump came to the fore, 37 charges

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Washington. Former US President Donald Trump has been indicted for a total of 37 crimes. Including the details of a Pentagon’s ‘attack plan’ and also the allegation of sharing a secret map related to a military operation.

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The list of Trump’s allegations that came out on Friday can give a new color to the 2024 presidential election in America. According to the indictment imposed on Trump, he wrongfully kept sensitive information in his possession.

A day before this, about 9000 obscene photographs of Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, were made public by a right-wing group.

Donald Trump has also been accused of disobeying the Justice Department. Who had demanded the return of those confidential documents. Despite this, Trump took him from the White House to his residence Mar-a-Lago.

Trump also involved his assistants in his efforts to hide these confidential records. Even Trump had told his lawyers that he wanted to defy a subpoena to return classified material kept in his residence.

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According to the indictment on Trump, one of Trump’s lawyers said about the former president that he said ‘I don’t want anyone to see my boxes’.

He also asked if it would be better ‘if we tell them that we have nothing here’.

The major indictments against Trump are based on his own statements and actions and the statements of his lawyers, close aides and other witnesses.

The detailed indictment, totaling nearly 50 pages, says Trump not only knowingly withheld classified documents, but also showed them to guests.

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