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America: Entire New York submerged in floods, emergency declared in the city

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

New York News: People faced a lot of problems due to floods in some parts of New York City, America. Governor Kathy Hochul has declared an official emergency for the city with a population of 85 lakhs.

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It rained overnight in America last Friday, creating a flood-like situation in some parts of New York City. Due to flooding of roads, people are facing a lot of problems in traffic.

The mayor of the city urged people not to go out, as flooding on the roads has created many dangers. The entire road in the city is flooded.

According to the Mayor, it has become very difficult to move around in the city. He said, if you are at home, stay home and if you are at work or school, shelter in place now.

Cars around New York are half submerged in water, with some major roads completely blocked. Shopkeepers are saving goods in shops filled with water and draining the water out of their shops.

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