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Pennsylvania state of US declares Diwali as official holiday

By Priyanka 
Updated Date

US: The US state of Pennsylvania has declared the Hindu festival of Diwali a national holiday. Senator Nikhil Sawal tweeted on Wednesday and gave this information. Senator Nikhil Saval said, “The Senate voted unanimously to recognize Diwali as an official holiday. This is a great honor for all Pennsylvanians who celebrate this festival of light.”

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State Senator Greg Rothman and Senator Nikhil Sawal introduced a law in February this year to declare Diwali an official state holiday in Pennsylvania. According to information, about 2,00,000 South Asians live in Pennsylvania, many of whom celebrate Diwali with great fanfare.

“Thousands of Pennsylvanians celebrate Diwali every year, including many residents of the 34 th Senatorial District,” said Rothman. “Every year, the festival of light and joy of Diwali is celebrated in our temples, puja houses and community centers,” Sawal said.

Sawal said, “It is a time of reflection on the endless struggle of light over darkness, giving us new clarity of purpose. This festival deserves official recognition, and I am honored to join Senator Rothman in passing it on.” doing.”

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