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Philippines boat caught fire, 31 dead, 230 rescued

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Manila. A boat caught fire in the southern Philippines. At least 31 people died in this accident. About 230 people have been saved in this incident of fire.

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Disaster official Nixon Alonzo said the ‘Lady Mary Joy 3’ boat was traveling from Zamboanga city on Mindanao island to Jolo island in Sulu province when it caught fire late on Wednesday, forcing passengers to jump off the boat.

At the same time, rescuers including the Philippines Coast Guard and fishermen rescued 195 passengers and 35 crew members after receiving information about the fire near Baluk-Baluk island in Basilan province.

Basilan Governor Jim Suliman said the earlier death toll had more than doubled after 18 bodies were discovered on the ship. During a search of the yacht, the bodies were found inside an air-conditioned cabin.

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