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Japanese PM Fumio Kishida sacks his son for partying at official residence

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Tokyo. Big news has emerged from Japan. The Japanese Prime Minister said on Monday that his son is resigning as his acting policy secretary after taking responsibility for using the prime minister’s residence for a private party.

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According to the information received, Shotaro Kishida, the elder son of Japanese PM Fumio Kishida and his executive secretary for political affairs, had invited other people, including relatives, for the party on 30 December 2022 at the Prime Minister’s official residence.

The photo of the private party was published by the weekly Shukan Bunshun magazine. After the photo of the party was published by the magazine, there was a lot of anger among the people.

According to the report, like the newly appointed cabinet, the PM’s son and his relatives were shown on the red carpet. Other photos show guests standing on podiums as if holding a news conference.

Kishida told reporters on Monday night, “His work as political affairs secretary was inappropriate and I have decided to replace him while fixing his accountability.”

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He further said that on Thursday another secretary Takayoshi Yamamoto would be appointed in place of his son. Kishida acknowledged that he briefly greeted the guests but said that he did not stay at the dinner party.

He said he strongly reprimanded his son for the party, but had failed to deflect ongoing criticism from opposition MPs and public outcry.

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