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4 terrorists from Pakistan ambushed and attacked a bus carrying pilgrims

By Renu Mishra 
Updated Date

Reasi. In Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, terrorists opened fire on a bus carrying pilgrims on Sunday evening, killing nine people and injuring 33 others. Police gave this information. According to intelligence agency sources, this attack has been done on the lines of the attack on Amarnath Yatra a few years ago, which was the biggest terrorist attack in Jammu in the last decade.

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According to the information received so far, Lashkar’s supporting organization has carried out this major terrorist attack. The number of attackers is expected to be 3 to 4, who are suspected to have entered India from Pakistan a few days ago. The first aim of the terrorists was to fire indiscriminately on the devotees, after which the balance of the bus would be disturbed and it would have an accident and this is exactly what happened.

Keeping in mind the bus accident that happened a few days ago in Reasi, the terrorists planned this attack and targeted the bus full of devotees. The 53-seater bus going from Shiv Khodi temple to Katra fell into a deep ditch after the firing. The incident took place near Teryath village in Pony area at around 6.15 pm.

“Nine pilgrims were killed and 33 others were injured,” Reasi Senior Superintendent of Police Mohita Sharma told reporters. The attack reflects a worrying rise in violence in the region. Reasi district has been relatively untouched by terrorist activities compared to neighbouring areas such as Rajouri and Poonch.

Also Read :- Srinagar: Boat capsized in Jhelum river, 4 children died, 3 people admitted to hospital.
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